Interpreting results

A guide to reading and interpreting results INTERPRETING

Scoring software

Because of the complexity of gathering and calculating results, scoring is done by computer using dedicated HDT scoring software. This allows for speedy output of final results and live uploading of results to a web page, which competitors can access on their mobile devices on the showfield.

There are two types of scoring software which BC scorers use at National and club events.

  • HorseDriving software by Philippe Lienart (BEL) is certified by the FEI and is used for many International competitions and some BC National competitions. BC have a licence to use this software at their events.

  • Many club events, all ICD indoor events and some Nationals use the free scoring program from Mike Watts. This software works on PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, tablets and phones.

Uploading live results

Both types of software are capable of uploading results to web pages live as the event happens, which can be accessed via the BC website.

Event results uploaded live by scorers LIVE

Scorer training

Anyone interested in scoring should contact the BC office, who can arrange for you to attend driving events and put you in touch with experienced scorers. For the Mike Watts scoring system, there are instructional videos and downloads available.

Mike Watts scorers' clinic 2024 (Zoom webinar recordings): Part 1
Part 2


Mike Watts scoring details, downloads and introduction videos Mike Watts
HorseDriving (Lienart) scoring software information and downloads Driving
List of BC official scorers


Event results from previous years RESULTS